The ugly side of feminism

I discussed this in my first post about “Misconceptions of a feminist,” how women (myself included) reject the idea of becoming a feminist because of the outrageous feminist stereotypes that are portrayed.

But it is more than the image of “crazy feminists” that turn women away; it is the words coming out of their mouths that misrepresent what feminists stand for.

Men hating
Baby hating
Family hating
Ice cream hating

Okay, the last one is a lie. Everyone loves ice cream. But you get the idea.

Feminism is still being portrayed as unnecessary and excessive, which is a lie.

Feminism is still very necessary, especially today.

I repeat myself feminists are not men hating.
They do not want to be stand on top of men, but rather stand beside them, as equals.

Words from a self proclaimed “crazy feminist”

And how the “crazy feminist” image hurts us

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  1. Pingback: 28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013 | Stephen Darori on Iconic Photography

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